Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Life is not fair, death is even less fair..."

The "Baghdad Burning" blog really caught my attention more than I expected it to. By looking around the blog, I decided to start with her very first post, entitled "The Beginning...". What was a simple introduction of herself and what the blog will be, she ends with this phrase that slightly took my breath away: "I survived the war. That's all you need to know. It's all that matters these days anyway." It seems that when people come back from the war as a survivor, they are mostly looked at as a hero to others. To them however, all that matters is that they are here to see another day, not what they could have lost their life for.
Looking forward to a few days later, a blog post titled "Tired" also caught my attention. She is telling her readers about her struggle with sleeping, which can be very common in any person. Reading further on, you learn that she is struggling to listen for gun shots and tanks. Something that would not normally be spoken about my a war veteran up front, she is letting her readers into her deep, dark thoughts that she is struggling with while being back home. While this blog does not necessarily change my thoughts on soldiers after the war, it does make me realize how much they truly can hold on to inside and not let others know about. Maybe this blog was created to let out her thoughts that she knew people would think she was crazy if she told them in person. I always have given war veterans the utmost respect, and this blog just makes me realize even more how strong they truly are, emotionally and physically.

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