Sunday, January 26, 2014

Maus and Slaughterhouse

Speigelman has a very different writing style compared to Kurt Vonnegut. For example, Vonnegut always jumped around in his book, Slaughterhouse Five, which made it harder for the reader to understand what was going on in the story. At least for me, while reading Slaughterhouse Five, I was really confused at certain points in the story and I even forgot that some of the events even happened. Vonnegut’s writing style was jumbled and all over the place and kind of messy. In Maus, it is a graphic novel that is full of pictures and being as young as we all are, I believe we all can relate to this book more just based off of visual aids. One similarity I did notice between the two is they both have stories about World War II. Vonnegut had the viewpoint of a silly soldier, if you want to even call him that. Billy Pilgrim seemed so weak and in my opinion, he was weaker than a civilian. Maus seems like it is going to be more interesting based off of what I have read so far. I like stories that seem to follow a chronological order because that is what I am used to. Reading Slaughterhouse Five was unique to me because I have never really read a book that jumped all over the place with sub stories in the main story. I prefer the main character Vladek in Maus than I do Billy Pilgrim because Vladek just seems like a guy that is straight up with you. Billy Pilgrim was just so strange and I could not really relate to him, despite my own weirdness. In this book that we are reading now, I hope we get to see the war from another perspective that does not seem to be as passive and neutral as we did with Kurt Vonnegut.

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