Thursday, February 6, 2014

Holocaust trama

For the victims of the Holocaust the war has never really ended. The trauma and pain that they went through still lingers as they make a new life where happiness and growth is possible. These horrors the victims suffered are present throughout their life and are passed down through the generations. This is evident in Vladek that he still suffers from what happened while he went through Auschwitz. Even though he has plenty of money saved he is very stingy and doesn’t buy anything unless absolutely necessary. He steals matches from the hotel and napkins from places he goes, he won’t even throw out a water pitcher he stole from the hospital. These are all similar to the survival techniques he uses while in Auschwitz and he still lives as though he needs the money incase another Holocaust rolls around. Vladek also suffers from survivor’s guilt and depression. He has never been happy except when Anja was still alive. His survivor’s guilt and depression led to him burning Anja’s journal that she left for Art to read. This massively affects his relationship with Art, making it hard for their relationship to be strong. Art always felt like he had to compete with his father on every level and even says in his book that he chose a career he wouldn’t have to compete with his father in. Art also is impacted by the Holocaust by feeling his career thrives off the death of all the victims of the Holocaust. Using a graphic novel Art did not have to directly say this but was able to show us in a series of panels when he is at his desk and getting interviewed, he is standing on a giant pile of dead Jews. Although Art changes all the characters into animals, he is still able to graphically show some of the things we choose not to picture that happened during the Holocaust.

1 comment:

  1. You had very good evidence on you post Katelyn. I liked how you said that Vladek stole matches and napkins in order to reflect upon his survival techniques that he learned during the Holocaust.I mentioned that as well. Adding on to how Vladek suffered from survivor's guilt as he murdered Art's mom Anja by burning her journal that she left for him to read. Moreover, I liked how you talked about Art's always thinking of himself to be in a competition with his father as he mentioned that he chose a career that is far away from his father.
