Sunday, March 30, 2014

Zero Dark Thirty

So Zero dark thirty made me sick literally. Like I have heard torturing and I have always tried to stay away from watching movies like this. I mean violence is typical in war and I guess necessary as a method of obtaining information but I also find it  crazy as to how people will use violence or justify their use of violence in wars. I mean I’m not too much into war or know a lot about it but the use of violence has definitely increased in the age of terrorism. I guess in a way I always thought about war being just plain fighting like soldiers shooting at each other (this may be a naïve way of viewing war but hey that’s what I thought it was) and watching this movie allowed me to understand a totally different perspective.  To associate religion with certain actions is disturbing simply because while all religions might not agree on certain things, most religions do not promote violence, killing and so on. I mean although I’m not Muslim I’m sure without an ounce of doubt that there is nothing with in the Qur’an that states murdering a mass amount of people is okay, and then to claim it’s in the name of Allah…ahh that’s just a tad bit crazy to me.  It was very disturbing watching this movie I mean you hear of this stuff going on but I guess to actually put a picture to it was very unsettling. I was kind of scared for Maya throughout the whole movie.

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